I've tweeted 15855 times (excluding replies)

  • The more I do electronics the more I realise that standardisation is just a fancy way of saying we have 1000000 different types of connections. JST is like some sort of sick joke by an evil committee right?
  • Remember when we all laughed at Trump standing for president. Yeah, anyway not that I think Fox will win in of all places London but there’s a saying in Tennessee — fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
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  • Matt Hancock declaring that NHS won’t get a pay rise (above inflation) because ‘finances are tight’ after bunging his pub landlord mate 30 million quid is a look for sure.
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  • RT @JolyonMaugham: The annual cost of doubling the pay rise for the UK's 670,000 nurses from 1% to 2% (£174m) is less than the amount we wa…
  • RT @Keir_Starmer: Give our Covid heroes a pay rise.
  • Was about to look into Gatsby and other Wordpress headless implementations but glad I didn’t quite yet as looks like WPEngine’s Atlas might be one to watch (especially as it’s got WPGraphQL’s creator involved) https://t.co/Eyvjz9gfoe
  • RT @TobyonTV: bad news for the Royal Family if they want to start discussions about royal jewellery being tainted with oppression
  • RT @jonburkeUK: Glad to see my work to ensure Hackney's new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods disproportionately benefit working class and minorit…
  • Hey screentime report. Can we maybe call an amnesty until end of lockdown. Thx. Xx.
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  • RT @readtedium: Yes, it is possible to boot the latest version of the Linux kernel from a 486 using a single floppy disk. https://t.co/8pHK…
  • Set up some monitoring on some of my websites to improve the web perf. Currently the website I’ve spent a few weeks optimising is underperforming another I spent about 3 hours on. 😑
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  • This is very intriguing, for some reason I could never quite get going with React. For some reason didn’t sit right with me (or my skillset). This feels a little more my sort of thing https://t.co/PZ7xBTpQBW
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  • Managed to get my experimental WordPress site at 95 (mobile) / 98 (desktop) in lighthouse. Think without going down the CDN, server config / images as webp that’s about as far as I am going to be able to take it. Thanks to @csswizardry’s video course was able to get 15% extra
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  • Piers Morgan striding out of Hamleys, his fists tightly gripping a sharpie and a letter stencil, the letters M & R worn with rage.
  • Do super follower accounts get edit buttons?
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  • RT @shadowrobot: Reminder! Shadow's live stream as part of #TeleoperationThursdays kicks off today! 25.02.21 We'll be live #streaming our #…
  • Over the past few months I decided to start a photography project, to chronicle a fading connection to a different epoch - phone boxes. Often unseen, unused, ignored. https://t.co/3A1ofKHymU
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  • So turns out it’s not the most performant to base 64 a full res image. The 16 pixel wide one was a tad faster 🙃
  • Totally forgot the Daft Punk did the entire soundtrack to TRON: Legacy. Absolute banger. In other news will also be listening to Daft Punk today.
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  • Classic 2021 headline. A vintage of the genre. https://t.co/kjPZaQlOWm
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  • You could replace Kuenssberg and Peston with a magic 8 ball and get more advanced journalistic questioning.
  • Working on a white label WordPress theme and trying to be as optimised as possible. The core vital scores are good but the mobile ones I can’t get much above 84/100. Considering adding AMP support, but feel aggrieved I have to use a Google bolt on to get a good Google score.
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  • Who could have thought giving £30m to Hancock’s ex pub landlord to provide essential supplies to the NHS could have led to this? No issue with Government moving fast in a pandemic. But surely this one looked fishy straight away. Right to be investigated https://t.co/Batl6lbgiL
  • Hmm, progressively enhancing a burger menu, so if JS isn’t enabled users can still access it. But now Google is punishing me for Cumulative Layout Shift, which I am going to take the hit on as would rather the menu be available for JS-less users. Oh web development.
  • RT @garius: That's why this ruling has potentially larger repercussions. Because if they have employees, that very much reopens the debate…
  • RT @garius: Beyond this (remember I mentioned tax) they have also not been paying VAT. That's one reason they get to undercut the prices of…
  • With the UBER ruling does that mean they are likely to now also owe 1.5 billion pounds in unpaid VAT? https://t.co/YEBdZLksQI That should plug a few finance holes if so.
  • RT @davidallengreen: The 'war on woke' and law and policy commentary And the importance of responding to illiberals - but not on their ter…
  • So if this app is correct Mars is behind the crescent moon currently shining in the sky. Good luck #Perseverance https://t.co/f7aAtuaOJb
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  • The Nasa logo is ace but the Nasa worm logo is also ace and reminds me so much of my childhood. https://t.co/zkp44RvVJ7
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  • RT @MKBHD: To watch the livestream of Perseverance LANDING ON MARS: https://t.co/w7K3SNvbZN https://t.co/SO3VBLyWKi
  • wait, Ted Cruz flew to Cancun TODAY? OMFG. DURING the time Texans are without energy and warmth. Wow. Cancun - current temperature 29°C
  • Slightly odd analogy for the Mail to use for lifting lockdown restrictions ASAP. Given its origins is for lighting a massive firework and then running away before it explodes in your face. https://t.co/nJPMkR0PrU https://t.co/DBqwGZmyXb
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  • I think Farage has done a better job of bringing down British capitalism (fishing, banking, Northern Ireland, SME trade with the EU) than any other organisation of the last 50 years. https://t.co/bwsHXmlcph
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  • In the inevitable disaster movie about the event, this will at least provide a nice backdrop for the flashback scene. https://t.co/9fcrCvqfSj
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  • Really solid article, from usenet n00bs through to flame wars and why we need to do a better job explaining and teaching technology https://t.co/zVbeYJltwM
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  • This is just so so nail on head brilliant from @MarinaHyde https://t.co/OYzrwidPyC
  • Trump was in power for 4 years, the Tories for 11 years. The most popular newspapers right-wing (and a lot of TV news), social media also playing it’s part The ‘woke’ brigade sure seems to have a lot of power. Almost, this is all a false battle as they have run out of straw-hate
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  • Got myself a new desk and I have massively underestimated how excited this prospect has engendered.
  • RT @shadowrobot: Introducing Shadow's #TeleoperationThursdays! Each Thursday, we'll be live #streaming our #teleoperation #technology desig…
  • RT @dominiccampbell: Since the new year, I’ve been supporting my home borough @hackneycouncil for a bit to help them on their tech and chan…
  • March 2004. Wordpress. https://t.co/fFwwgTzMzW
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  • The NHS has been brilliant in hitting this target of the top 4 priority groups for vaccination. They yet again have shown the best we can be.
  • Isn’t rewriting history just the practice of history writing?
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  • Keep seeing tweets about clubhouse and I think I might just not install it unless I want to and that’s the tweet.
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  • I mean I heard an advert on radio today that was all like hey book a holiday this summer. We’re trusted celebrities and we are doing it and it’s going to be awesome (no mention of refunds/restrictions) so I guess it’s not that surprising? https://t.co/SlchiLsnEO
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  • RT @JolyonMaugham: "Public money should be spent in the public interest - not used by the PM's advisers to favour their friends." https://t…
  • Picked up an evening standard because I wanted to do some crafts. When did it turn into a leaflet?!
  • RT @GarethFW: If you are interested in font accessibility. This is stage 1 of a study that has been over 2 years in the making. This is the…
  • Often in my job I have to test forms. Many times as if I am in different countries. So when it comes to testing US forms and the ZIP code field requires validation. There is only one possible choice. 90210 That’s the sum of my knowledge of the US postal system.
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  • 20 mins in and absolutely loving the new Adam Curtis, but worth reminding myself this is a take, a view point, albeit very well researched & made. But, is this so far removed from algorithmically fed youtube videos / facebook viral stuff? Maybe that’s part of the allure Onwards
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  • Yesssssssss, new Adam Curtis doc dropping today. Hook it into my eyes. https://t.co/Z10q95qtO6
  • This new thing of macOS Big Sur wiping my apache config on every point release is going to get real tiring real quick. https://t.co/L5a19OHUVr
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  • Read this in an Alan Partridge voice (including over pronunciating the H in what, to make hhWhot) Makes it 10x even better. https://t.co/09K5y5Bdmo
  • RT @NHSEngland: Lights, camera, vaccine! 🎬 Thanks @eltonofficial and @themichaelcaine for encouraging people to get the #COVIDVaccine. (S…
  • RT @citycyclists: Will the U.K. do this too @grantshapps ?
  • Email: “There are many problems in your website which needs to be improved and fixed so that it will become visible on top of the Web engines and eventually help you get more traffic and more business.” Web engines Web engines
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  • I never really got into American football and so as an uneducated Brit I have no idea how a team actually gets into the Super Bowl, but it appears one of the rules is that it must include Tom Brady.
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  • Keep seeing news about vaccine inefficiency against one variant but not really bigging up the fact it does protect you from dying or ending up in ICU which feels quite high up on my list of goals during this pandemic.
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  • As I do more electronics I am discovering to just properly read the pinout info for various arduinos and avoid spending 2 hours iterating code wrongly.
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  • Watched the 18 minute highlights of Handforth Parish Council and it is somehow a modern classic. I don’t know why but it just is inherently funny, weird, brilliant.
  • Christmas trees in dark abandoned pubs in early February is all kinds of strange and melancholy.
  • I seem to get one or two of these calls a week right now. This is my current script. THEM: Hi Rich, I am calling about your trading account. ME: Thanks, but I don’t trade THEM: That’s why I am calling ME: Okay, still not going to trade, thanks but I’ll leave it.
  • Handforth Parish Council is a failed state. Where is NATO?
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  • Rather glad full site editing for WordPress is going to be optional, it's a pretty interesting feature but right now not sure whom it's aimed at. I used it a bit and it was good but easy to make a mess and I consider myself an expert in using the admin.
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  • RT @jesslynnrose: I have been living in the UK for 10 years this year. Please have a short thread of things that are still weird as hell to…
  • Yes. This makes so much sense it shouldn’t have to be said. https://t.co/8x9Hk59PuY
  • Usually the dailymash is on the lols, belly chuckle at some light social/political commentary, but this is biting political satire at it’s attacking best. https://t.co/wchAjG1x8U
  • RT @Kantrowitz: MAJOR Amazon News: Jeff Bezos is stepping down as CEO. https://t.co/ZeEGUHQpMW
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  • I bet the Spinach API documentation is shit tho. https://t.co/yFIqSBByEs
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  • RT @rooreynolds: Scientists have taught spinach to send emails which explains a lot https://t.co/vwbZLfYYUu
  • Can’t believe this is happening to me but why are the EU criticising vaccine rollout? I won’t link to the article as I feel it’s damaging enough. If you want to attack the U.K. there are 100 good examples of brexit shambles. Don’t choose this one. Bad bad vector to take.
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  • RT @urdadssidepiece: This was one of the most heartbreaking moments of AOC’s IG live https://t.co/BumKbriwmy
  • Working on a photography project. I have not ever really done ‘photography’ apart from a couple of modules in Art foundation/Art degree and obvs random snaping/intsa. Sooooooo, let’s Leeroy Jenkins into this shall we.
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  • Appears all the streetspace barriers allowing us to pass each other safely on the pavement have been removed near me in case a black cab needs to drop someone off. Delightful.
  • Netflix are putting up prices. Let’s face it they now I am going to do nothing about it.
  • Talk of Dacre being given the role of Ofcom chair reminds me of this. Nothing is certain but I like the idea of him getting bogged down in procedure and statute. https://t.co/ytLHgL9Lfo
  • This makes so much sense. So much sense. I would also have this as a life goal to cycle an uninterrupted cycle lane to Birmingham. And back. https://t.co/c8puSdJPOH
  • Making my own laksa paste tonight as my lockdown cooking becomes more elaborate and intentionally time consuming.
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  • RT @Mikepeeljourno: NEW: Brussels to withdraw incendiary plan floated hours ago to use new vaccine export curbs to in effect create a hard…
  • RT @arusbridger: The BBC’s utter dominance of English-language online news. Rupert Murdoch hates charts like this. So, apparently, do Domi…
  • It pains me to say it but the EU have somehow managed to make this government look grown up. We’ll have to see how the U.K. responds ofcourse but turning a contractual dispute into turbo nationalism over a global vaccine rollout is not ideal at all.
  • RT @H_Wurdemann: .@shadowrobot hands in action!
  • RT @drphiliplee1: Vaccines will save lives. We should not be playing politics with vaccines at this time, or anytime. Both EU and UK gove…
  • Okay, who had Ja Rule/$GME/Robin Hood in their January 27th 2021 keyword bingo? https://t.co/23VXRLaqRJ
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  • Margin Call remake but Stanley Tucci as a redditor admin and the end Paul Bettany monologue is a reddit post. Netflix you may thank me now.
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  • Today my sister has today started vaccinating people in her GP surgery, very proud.
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  • Tenet. Also colloquially known as Dafuq.
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  • I remember back in 2001 / 2002 when posts mentioning Scunthorpe were removed from forums. Nice in a way it’s still happening. Foiled again Skynet. https://t.co/palLAuXrPo
  • RT @thommeread: "Find your NHS number" - what an awesome, simple and useful service. https://t.co/Llbajkv70F 👏👏👏 @NHSDigital
  • I was a staunch remainer for the last 4 years, but this argument over UK produced vaccines is getting rather distasteful. I don’t like the UK being a third country, but now we are that works both ways. We should be working together, but find myself agreeing with AZ on this
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  • This is wonderful, how 13,000+ regular expressions helped the Grauniad’s CMS apply their style guide. https://t.co/fAiVzc93Ac
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  • This is just like the film Margin Call but on Reddit and with less Stanley Tucci. https://t.co/s9rQe8efJC
  • Soju or go home. https://t.co/NDUagDsbFY
  • RT @FloellaBenjamin: Had my #Covid19 vaccine today through the round window from a doctor who tells me he’s one of my #Playschool Babies #N…
  • I see the ‘we did everything we could’ statement is going down well. I feel this one may correctly haunt him.