I've tweeted 15855 times (excluding replies)

  • DPD trying the ‘we missed you!’ in a global pandemic when most people haven’t left their home for the best part of 6 months is a ballsy play.
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  • Not exactly sure but this website I built has been online for 20 years. It was certainly mid-2001. 😳 https://t.co/RVs26EvJFi
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  • RT @Browtweaten: me: I need tires michelin: here you go me: now if only someone could rate my restaurant michelin: you're not gonna beli…
  • When you consider what has been going on over the past year this is only a third of what the banking crisis cost us 12 years ago - one *trillion* pounds. https://t.co/3Cg6seXzi8
  • Wait. Wtf. Kent Cyclist Battalion. ‘saw active service during the Third Anglo-Afghan War in 1919. In 1920’ https://t.co/lB8uYt58o6
  • We have a tree near us called a ‘handkerchief tree’ and well done to the naming people. Good work. https://t.co/36H5pWGCpi
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  • Really impressed with the Greens on how they won some recent council seats. Blindly obvious, but so rarely done. ‘(It’s) about listening and being visible, contactable, present and supportive, showing you care and not taking people for granted’ https://t.co/VH5znevagv
  • This is utter shit. Shame on our government. https://t.co/LYpKubuR0H
  • OMG, this is amazing. Child that loves cake rationale: I think I should have a cake. Cake is brilliant. Not-cake is lazy. I rest my case. Give. Me. Cake. https://t.co/0OeQrOVr8E
  • Don’t envy the person that’s going to have to tell the cicadas what’s happened in the last 17 years.
  • After all the government bluster about ‘protecting’ history and ‘britishness’, they allow a 450 year old bell foundry and maker of big ben to be turned into a hotel. In the end it’s always about money. Always. https://t.co/zoD26IyPyr
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  • Been a developer for 20 years & early on loved the fact that anyone could start building stuff with a text editor, internet connection & host or geocities. Now feels like ever increasing opinionated complexity defined by a narrowing set of gatekeepers to get even to 'hello world’
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  • Better renew the driving license I guess. Sounds like going to need that photo ID.
  • RT @shadowrobot: NEW PRODUCT AND VIDEO IN 3 DAYS! 3 minutes-ish of watch time around our new remarkable product, the Shadow #Teleoperation…
  • Late night tweet, but feels Labour needs to do more than just be a political party, where is the representation in modern organisations? Both on the ground and digital (beyond twitter). Be the change we want to see. Even as I type this, I realise I need to do the same.
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  • Had the BBC on for most of the night waiting for the London mayoral election and just got the result pretty much phoned in for about a minute. Twitter gave me a better coverage with less repeated filler.
  • BBC: We are minutes away from the London Mayoral results. Narrator voice: We are not.
  • Was just in the health food shop and a dude asked for 8kg of Hemp seed (with the shells).
  • RT @WalesOnline: BREAKING: Labour wins 30 seats and a working majority in the Senedd election https://t.co/wwlCyCIDTe https://t.co/PTCRSA…
  • Is it just me or is Twitter chronology all over the place. Not great for election results day.
  • Twitter. My thumb is already dragging down. Y’all don’t need to tell me there are new tweets.
  • Voted. Quite impressed at the turnout. Been a queue at our polling station (that we overlook) for over an hour.
  • Might have to come to terms with the fact that I might not ever achieve a micro puff jacket sort of vibe. I’ve dallied with it. It not me.
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  • Playing Liquidator.
  • The way Brexit was carried out was stupid. Threatening to turn off electricity is stupid. Sending Royal Navy in is stupid.
  • Went out especially to pick up a 200 year anniversary edition of the Guardian. Weird as many of the newsagents that I used to buy papers from no longer exist. But very glad I managed to get one.
  • Updating the macOS to 11.3. macOS thinking, that’s a nice localhost you got there….would be a shame if something happened to it.
  • RT @_breeeeen_: Let's keep track of the folks who are leaving @Basecamp and do what we can to find them a new home where they're allowed to…
  • Tories: we shouldn’t worry about standards and ethics its only a bit of a lie / wallpaper / trip to a castle / bullying Tories also: young people have no respect these days and don’t follow the rules.
  • Cancelled my Flickr account. Last three years of subscription was mostly out of duty rather than usage. Felt like cancelling a puppy or something, Flickr was seriously awesome and still has some great features. I just don’t use them. Member since 2006!
  • So did a Google Tag manager course today, wasn’t the most riveting 3 hours of my life, but there was a gnawing realisation that it was something I was going to need to learn or at least understand why I should learn about it.
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  • Will Basecamp employees be allowed to talk about Basecamp at work tomorrow?
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  • RT @colly: Hey! Everything is political and societal. We need to talk about difficult issues everywhere — including at work. If you activel…
  • RT @pedalmeapp: We are faster. We are cheaper. We are cleaner. That's why people use us, despite our minimal marketing spend.
  • I know I know. Cookies etc, but it does burn sometimes when you click on a news org link you subscribe to, to then see the paywall. Vibes of ‘don’t you know who I am’?
  • Dominic Cummings. ‘please why won’t anyone think about integrity, smh’ That has to be one of the spiciest and non self-aware pieces of shade I have ever heard.
  • Got straight through to HSBC business banking YES Let me put you through to another department MUSAK https://t.co/d34H6FqKgz
  • ESL punishment. Each club owner has to play in goal for one game.
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  • RT @JamaalBowmanNY: We've known Chauvin was guilty since the second we saw him murder George Floyd on film — but we also know of the racism…
  • RT @joshchafetz: Amazing that national guard can be deployed to police communities of color in advance of a jury verdict but not to protect…
  • Boris ‘greed is good’ Johnson will stop the European Super League. Yeah chinny rekon.
  • Went into my first non essential shop today after...I actually don’t know...time feels really fluid rn.
  • These lot have used a global pandemic to properly line their own pockets haven’t they? Just stuffed them full. What was the Nurses pay rise again. Oh yeah - below inflation. https://t.co/ld3l1ED7n5
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  • You could drive and fly less, eat less meat and reduce waste whilst......CHECK OUT THE WHITEST OF WHITE PAINT. WE WILL SAVE EVERYONE. https://t.co/o8p5Yj58AV
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  • RT @Peston: .@BorisJohnson's deputy chief of staff, Baroness [Simone] Finn, has retained her shareholding of between 25% and 50% in Francis…
  • Is the pollen / tree gubbins really high rn? My allergies are off the charts.
  • Discovered a new unkown part of a local park today and it was like one of those dreams where one discovers a new room or staircase in your home.
  • RT @TheEconomist: Alexei Navalny is protesting against the appalling conditions of his confinement and is being deprived both of sleep and…
  • RT @brucel: "you've tested in other browsers?"
  • Uploaded 18 or so new phone boxes to my https://t.co/G0mvTkbHvz website that chronicles their gradual and unedifying demise from our streets. Not entirely sure why, but I seem to enjoy it. https://t.co/3A1ofKHymU
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  • It’s just really nice seeing lights and human activity in shops and pubs readying for Monday.
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  • This looks on the face of it very good. https://t.co/Bll5ePUTdT
  • RT @mrasaunders: It's the anniversary of this beauty ...... https://t.co/rFOtb4Q5Nx
  • Wix is hammering my TL with WordPress shade. Fine, it’s a solid option. But I am not the advertising segment to send it to.
  • A great primer into building Wordpress blocks natively Personally I always go @wp_acf for my block development. This tutorial although is excellent is 20mins b4 we get to a hello world ACF gets me building blocks without all the react/build stuff https://t.co/y3R0MkdpE0
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  • My Lego bonsai blossomed. https://t.co/dgN8psOvsb
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  • RT @DavidOlusoga: The poisonously patronising Sewell report is historically illiterate | David Olusoga https://t.co/Jx66ILnnl3
  • This is wonderfully delightful. Getting big nostalgia hits from a time when I was building websites with Frontpage ‘98 https://t.co/nuI6AxYp97
  • First time my seasonal helper website has been spot on. https://t.co/QbdDXOxG3C I still need to get this fact checked properly, but Asparagus April 1st. Yis.
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  • The people that were accused did an investigation into the accusing all by themselves and didn’t find anything wrong. Nothing to see here. Shuffle on. Don’t protest. Don’t think. https://t.co/Shcaqr4hu4
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  • My (corporate) credit card is due to expire so just had a whistle-stop tour of about 20 websites’ billing UIs. Mostly not good. Of all the things to make difficult it should not be existing customers desire to continue to give you money.
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  • The last few years in the U.K. winter / summer has felt like someone toggling dark mode on the country.
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  • This quote has really annoyed me. I’ve worked really hard the last year from home, carried on paying (reduced) rent on office space. Paid all my taxes so his lot can spend it mostly on their mates and not on NHS staff’s wages. Maybe he should be the one taking less time off. https://t.co/Tnbk6FcOGh
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  • RT @PauloCampbell: It's really important we tell our local councillors that we support #LTNs, so we can experience greener, safer and easie…
  • RT @20tauri: Introducing the LEGO Women of Computing, featuring 6 pioneering women of tech history: Lovelace, Hopper, Holberton, Bartik, We…
  • Just looked up San Marino. Their *biggest win* was 1-0. https://t.co/h0BI47CVza
  • Me trying to turn my alarm off every morning and screenshotting it instead. https://t.co/aPSOj3O361
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  • The most annoying thing about Boris Johnson’s comments is the only thing the government got right, the vaccine rollout (Oxford at cost vaccine and NHS), was the only one that wasn’t about ‘greed and capitalism’. Every mistake they made was exactly *because* of those things.
  • Building modern WordPress sites is becoming a totally different process. Whereas I would usually spend most of my time in a text editor building out the theme, I now build out header / footer / typography and build the rest in the admin. Completely fliped the paradigm.
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  • Sales person: let’s have a call! Me: let’s not! Just send me the pricing sheet!
  • If tomorrow every single MP doesn’t turn up to the commons in Geri Halliwell’s Union Jack dress then they don’t love their country. How dare they.
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  • RT @housecor: Hey developers, please stop disabling copy/paste in form fields! 🚨 It’s awful UX. It’s confusing. It doesn’t improve secu…
  • Did the Census, which was smooth and easy. Nicely done ONS.
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  • Er. Hi. I’m doing a tweet 14 years after my first one. https://t.co/PIhSvROpma
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  • The block of flats I live in just got a copy of the original 60s signage put back up on the side of the building and I am very excited.
  • RT @jonty: Out of curiosity I dug into how NFT's actually reference the media you're "buying" and my eyebrows are now orbiting the moon
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  • Well that’s shit. I will continue to protest though. https://t.co/rEsBZpPkx9
  • Does it ping 🔔 when the desired temperature is reached? https://t.co/63EHoWBtlL https://t.co/0aVIQAyYpl
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  • RT @NewStatesman: Giving the police discretion to shut down virtually any form of protest would be disastrous for democracy, says @RMCunlif
  • I keep reading this as Techno Viking. https://t.co/gN5SjmKNXt
  • If only there was loads and loads of publically available data of millions of doses of the AZ vaccine accessible on some sort of website https://t.co/iAjNX1tUUT
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  • ❌ protect women ❌ protect black people ☑️ protect statue of white man
  • RT @IanDunt: Pay careful attention to what happened tonight. This bill gives the police whole new powers to clamp down on protests, on the…
  • RT @CommonsLegal: Commons is on the South London Police Station duty scheme tonight so if you know someone who needs help as a result of ev…
  • RT @JolyonMaugham: Last night @ReclaimTS worked so hard to persuade @metpoliceuk to work together to avoid scenes like these. https://t.co/…
  • The police have got this utterly, awfully wrong, stopping a peaceful, important protest in Clapham Common. It’s outside, London numbers are low, many are masked. They only seem to be perpetuating distrust of the police.
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  • So clubhouse...I mean spaces is on the way I guess. The top bar stories thing now makes more sense from a UX point of view. https://t.co/HPdhSL2kJD
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  • Today just going to be reading and listening.
  • ‘Freedom of speech is the hill I am happy to die on’. And you did, because the speech you used freely was abhorrent and has no home in a work place that supports colleagues’ mental health in any meaningful way. Anyway weren’t we talking about NHS pay rises?
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  • Generally I try to use local and/or independent cycle shops but this is sad. When I have used evans I found them very good. https://t.co/GPA8WsHRu9
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  • problem with these Piers Morgan snowflake types is you just can’t say anything to them
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  • Mostly avoided the interview but this from ⁦@DavidOlusoga⁩ is brilliant about the wider problems with British society and its problems with racism and its inability for honest self-reflection https://t.co/BVM7MKaGhf
  • Had to do a bit of a deep dive on cookies today, kind of concerned that there are actually only about 3 websites in the world that are actually ‘compliant’.
  • Me on the Twitter muted words settings adding anything royal related. https://t.co/t0biNqGbtt
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  • There’s a National Film Theatre social media manager somewhere right now loving every minute of life.
  • I say just bring back ‘It’s a Royal Knockout!’ and be done with it (I had to youtube it to make sure I wasn’t a false memory). https://t.co/NOYtrdgc2s
  • RT @jimmy_wales: So... first tweet for $2.5 million? How about my Strawberry iMac I used when I launched Wikipedia? It isn't an "NFT" but…