I've tweeted 15855 times (excluding replies)

  • Wordpress developers: ’Have you tried adding $paged and taking it back off again?’
  • Looks like the government are going for the World Cup of Nasty. https://t.co/3ck3xI7kWd
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  • RT @drphiliplee1: It's all very well shaking your head saying "this isn't us, this isn't England" at all the abuse. But evidently it IS a p…
  • RT @DrWaheedArian: They gave it their best. Now, it's time to show them love and kindness. RT https://t.co/ns0JO1r4jv
  • We are England. ❤️🤍
  • RT @david_conn: Gareth Southgate and his team, with their skill, togetherness, humility and embrace of positive values, have pointed the w…
  • RT @labourlewis: We lost a final but found ourselves #ENG So proud of them and all they’ve achieved They’ve done us so proud 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 #Le…
  • Well done England. This team did so much.
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  • Whatever happens I love this team.
  • Give that man an MBE.
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  • Dig deep England.
  • Just had a go on an electric cargo bike. It was ace.
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  • RT @DrIbram: “These critics aren’t arguing against me. They aren’t arguing against anti-racist thinkers. They aren’t arguing against critic…
  • This is England.
  • Substitute BBC iPlayer on!
  • RT @hackneycouncil: Aged 18+? Need your first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine? Or has it been 8 weeks since your first dose? Then com…
  • Realisation that with Hancock gone this decision to lift all restrictions is totally on Boris. He’s bet the farm (and us) on this hasn’t he? If he gets it right that’s probably the next election sewn up. If wrong, well, someone else’s problem.
  • Wore a mask in shops and transport months before it became the law (24th July 2020), so going to continue wear one after it is no longer the law. It wasn’t the mandatory bit that made me do it.
  • Boris Johnson appears to be going ‘Friday afternoon deploy straight onto main’
  • Rando sales email about the ‘outdated look’ on my website. Chef’s kisses fingers moment: “Lack of moving objects on the landing page, which is required to attract customers” Okay mate.
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  • Also eco socialism without the flags. https://t.co/PFtNGHAWkN
  • By my calculation England’s goals are on an exponential growth. So far: 1-0 2-0 4-0 Semi-final: 8-0 Final: 16-0
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  • Tabloid headline writers everywhere are hoping for another goal to be scored by a Harry, so they can write ‘Harry-trick’.
  • Lord of the rings is trending for two *very* different reasons right now. 1. A Head-teacher mistakenly comparing lack of school rules to a different movie 2. The ocean literally on fire
  • RT @PickardJE: quite the juxtaposition of newspaper splashes https://t.co/XpV2SXc1oN
  • Actually got a little emotional seeing that Kim Leadbeater won her sister’s old seat.
  • Me using GitHub Copilot. https://t.co/97o7LGGEY0
  • So weird, even though I’ve been writing it for 20 years, I’ve never organised my CSS declarations, there is a rough sort of order e.g. spacing, display, font declarations grouped. tbh after minification just doesn't seem to matter. Might give it a try https://t.co/MusGX15ZIK
  • RT @BBCSangita: Chris Whitty & Jonathan Van Tam have continued to work as frontline doctors throughout the Coronavirus Crisis. Here’s JVT…
  • Yet no-one called it. 🥁🥁🥁 https://t.co/EDZX9mbKW9
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  • RT @NewStatesman: Hancock enjoyed precisely the kind of intimacy that he insisted others could not during lockdown, writes @RMCunliffe. htt…
  • Decided to trial a @ThreeUK 5G device, unfortunately the download speed wasn’t good enough. Maybe in the future. But I’ve now spent 4 weeks trying to return the device, calling them once a week, but returns label never arrives. But they demand for payment letters do. 😩
  • Why can’t you like a RT? @twitter @robdelaney https://t.co/RexDKqi7rk
  • When full site editing comes to WordPress there are going to be three distinct admin experiences. Classic Gutenberg Full site editing Each quite a leap from the last, both in mindset and approach for both administrators and developers.
  • Uploaded some new photos to my weird little photo side project. I particularly liked with this batch the solitary tin/bottle o’ booze (including a tin of malibu, classy) left as a little artifact https://t.co/zzXY0lJtip https://t.co/OHMIgcwSIl
  • brb, just updating a website I built in 2001.
  • RT @ChelseaFC: There is absolutely no place in our game, our society or on social media, for any form of discrimination. Our Social Media…
  • RT @brucel: If you develop apps for iOS/ Android, UK Competition & Markets Authority wants your input into its investigation on the monopol…
  • So four more goals and England could be European Champions.
  • RT @DMinghella: I stand by our "foreign" doctors. I stand by our "foreign" nurses. I stand by our "foreign" staff, our key workers, our fri…
  • So you’re saying a room with Boris, Gove, Raab, Patel, Hancock, Harding, Cummings in it isn’t the most functional of project teams….. Shocked I tell you shocked. S. H. O. C. K. E. D. 😮 https://t.co/p1fl6CgsRN
  • Ahhhh. The HBO emailing everyone a test email. Done that. Me: and this is how you would send an email to all users about a new blog post Client: that didn’t actually send the email right Me: 😐 Client: 😑 //Star Wars Anakin/Padme meme.
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  • Gah, 4 times been trying to get something fixed with Three. Turns out their internal / public systems truncate the first line of the address on postcode look up. So flat numbers >> house numbers. I wonder how many things go wrong from that simple technical mistake.
  • RT @MatthewWells: Want to be vaccinated at the site of the 2012 Olympics? There's a huge event tomorrow for over-18s at the London Stadium…
  • Well done Libs Dems.
  • Seems weird that so much of tech Twitter seems to be arguing over standards that have been codified for 25+ years. HTML&CSS is pretty mature. It’s fine. It’ll work for 25+ years from now then 25 more and another 25 after that. Party like it’s 2099.
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  • You spend 100s and 100s of hours correctly and considerately implementing GDPR, Cookies, user privacy, not just because its law, but the right approach to protect users data and to inform them of how data will be used. Then the three amigos rock up and look to rip it all up. https://t.co/WlAwAr7xuH
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  • Glad to see this issue getting attention. I’ve been building more block based themes in Wordpress and it’s pretty good until you hit margins & padding between and in blocks. Currently the solution is spacer blocks (e.g. spicy spacer.gifs) - ht @fklux https://t.co/JucpNj9KoG
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  • RT @hackneycouncil: 🚨 We've just been updated that this Saturday's vaccination event is now accepting bookings for those aged 18+ 🚨 Book y…
  • This is a fascinating and stark look into a government hell bent on using culture wars to separate us. It’s the almost casual nature of it that’s more disturbing, not even ideological, just cynical to create distraction, votes or newspaper sales. https://t.co/Vl8X0dAFk6
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  • RT @mrjamesob: If you routinely tell your readers/listeners/viewers that the BBC 'hates' Britain then you incite precisely the sort of beha…
  • I was recently involved (in a small way) in helping to get a hearing check online. Here’s a good overview of how we achieved it and what we learnt during the process. https://t.co/Ph3P0PUmez
  • Yup, this works well on many levels. Will be definitely up for some discounted train journeys. https://t.co/c0JQ6n9cpm
  • RT @arusbridger: Big pay-out by the Sun - not the News of the World - for phone hacking. Particularly unpleasant story about a news organis…
  • Feels like Boris Johnson is going into Dr. Who regeneration mode with this G7 meeting. I wonder what we’ll get this time.
  • I hope security around G7 has taken account of the St Ives seagulls. They will snatch a pasty out of your hand quicker that you can say diplomatic accord.
  • Just as stupid as it’s an absolutely glorious train ride Paddington >> St. Ives. It’s got everything sea views, lakes, villages, cities, and countryside so gorgeous it would make a Morris Dancer blush. https://t.co/SG18K7hKUl
  • RT @chrisdeerin: What a fantastic piece https://t.co/GfbGG8ea8C
  • One of the problems of working in tech for so long is eventually all your favourite apps fail due to APIs being deprecated.
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  • RT @emollick: The secret heart of academia is... Wikipedia. In an experiment, this paper found that a single quality Wikipedia article wri…
  • RT @jjg: I wrote a bit about the present disillusionment among long-time UXers for Fast Company: https://t.co/jM7Q5PnaLT
  • £14.7 billion sounds like the exact amount the government recently refused to spend on children’s post-pandemic education. I pay around this rate already, and it’s due to increase to more than 21% in 2023. So why shouldn’t other companies pay the same? https://t.co/fQVmOQGPZs
  • RT @garius: I like that Twitter Blue is just all the bugs they should have patched out years ago, but for a small monthly fee.
  • Using Browserstack after a few years hiatus. Have to say it’s improved massively. Used to be so so slow, almost unusable much snappier now and the device coverage is amazing.
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  • Oh. Was expecting Twitter blue to be ad free. Er. So it’s 3 quid a month for a 30 second undo button and a custom app icon? How to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory…I would have so gone for it ad free.
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  • Good. This is an awful policy at a time when this aid is most needed. https://t.co/xyflt89No0
  • Looking into this NHS data share issue, the opt-out is a docx file that requires: 1. Downloading 2. Printing 3. Delivering your GP That is suspiciously inaccessible. Not against data sharing but lack of transparency and guarantees on ‘partner’ access is v. concerning.
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  • TIL that Douglas Adam's old house was over the road from Boris Johnson’s old house.
  • This just looks like such an easy win. Recovering from a global pandemic, the world needs this. Some companies would grumble but they have always said they would pay the relevant taxes as set in each country (or where ever HQ exists). https://t.co/icQY3ZJFWp
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  • Wondering at what terrible point mobile baking security questions will want 19 added to the birth year.
  • I do love summer London.
  • The Liquidator time.
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  • Wore my 80s Commodore shirt tonight. Enjoyed it
  • Might refurbish my flat this weekend. Don’t think I need to worry about cost. I’ll just wait till someone else pays for it. All perfectly normal.
  • We live under a very specific flight path for some routes to city airport only. And one just flew over us, for maybe the first time in months. Was weird to hear it again.
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  • Wow, 18! I think I started using it early 2004 (version 1.0!). So I am at 17.5. Certainly my blog was live using Wordpress from March 2004 and I had built one other blog previously. Moved over from blogger I think? https://t.co/eS8arKexMh
  • RT @billmckibben: An utterly crushing day for Big Oil 1) Chevron investors demand emission cuts 2) Dutch court tells Shell to cut emissions…
  • Scientists claim to have solved Covid vaccine blood-clot puzzle via @FT https://t.co/xwVDYNF7Oi
  • The guy is an arsehole, but damn this should be required viewing for any kind of large system / org to understand long term planning / response.
  • Loving the new chunky link hover styles from https://t.co/gYWbqgYDe9 Frontend design system in version 3.12.0. And what a beautifully written pull request. https://t.co/PpX6Hq8JlM
  • Thanks for watching PMQs. We now we return to our usual programming Cummings goes to Committee
  • RT @pedalmeapp: New Free Ride To Recovery Discount - for use through our webapp: LONDONRIDETORECOVERY Free rides to and from vaccinations…
  • Someone needs to hook up the Dom Cummings twitter thread up to an old Stock Ticker. https://t.co/iajDBWBd9q
  • This is just bonkers. 2019-2020 38 million cases of flu estimated in the US. 2020-2021 there were 2038 estimated (two thousand!) Might be worth considering continuing some practices after all this (e.g mask wearing when Ill and washing hands) https://t.co/mcP2XLnIt5
  • TBF, I am pretty sure there are a large amount of Tory MPs and the Nation’s press that would smash this record. https://t.co/NJ7v0SK3PJ
  • This is such a wonderfully fascinating and engaging article about AIs ‘AIs live and learn in superhistory, mining every last bit of information out of raw events’ https://t.co/yamhPVqq7N
  • Yeah, but like if you divide anything by zero you get infinity and infinity wins.
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  • The Glastonbury live stream would have got more points in #Eurovision than the UK entry.
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  • RT @CountBinface: RT if you’d like me to represent the UK at #Eurovision 2022. https://t.co/tSlnFi7Vcr
  • Metal AF. #Eurovision
  • #IcelandForever
  • Feels like #Glastonbury needs to channel some 2000 vibes and tear down the (pay)fences.
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  • RT @geoffhouse: Looks like the #Glastonbury 'invalid code' problem is down to CORS ... https://t.co/6zroAA98iY
  • There’s a hidden Steinbeck novel. .... And, it’s a murder mystery werewolf story (!). Grapes of Wrath is still one of the greatest books I have ever read. https://t.co/WQORbDydOT
  • RT @soapachu: *chefs_kiss.gif* https://t.co/l7qZrDACs5
  • Ignore limit for today? Why thank-you Apple I think I may.
  • RT @eliotwb: omg "Across America, older fossil-fuel power plants are shutting down in favor of renewable energy. But some are getting a n…
  • Sigur Rós just marketed me a candle. ‘developed to the band's olfactory specifications Smoky, slightly briny smell of a flotsam campfire on a distant black beach under a wan midnight sun’
  • If only there was something that could be done about press overreach, lies and coverups. Some sort of wide reaching review of culture, practices and ethics of the press. Maybe it’s just too big of an undertaking. https://t.co/Cr1Myx4imA
  • RT @rachelandrew: I really enjoyed being part of the team working on https://t.co/KxuLtkr0GH check it out if you want to get to grips with…