I've tweeted 15855 times (excluding replies)

  • Did some soldering today. Soldering is hard.
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  • ‘In a totally normal act and in no way out of the ordinary I am going to be working out of a hospital for a few days’ No-one, absolutely no one. Just say this is a shitty, deadly virus and wear a mask.
  • I muted ‘Trump’ on my twitters since the debates and genuinely felt calmer for a few days. Un-deleting it right now for obvs reasons.
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  • Well that escalated quickly.
  • Really good news that gravity forms is moving towards better accessibility. It’s an excellent plug-in. I recently spent many days making it more accessible on a site so really happy to see this is going to be baked into 2.5 https://t.co/WaIwk7M8Jm
  • RT @clagnut: Send 100 Great Black Britons to every school https://t.co/AXTDSKDQ4b
  • It does appear the only thing Deloitte are good at is winning contracts. They should put the contracts department in charge of the contracts the contracts department contracts.
  • RT @presentcorrect: The 1992 Fiat 500 Z-Eco concept had a built in bike port. https://t.co/7WP5QVJbbt Incredible. Via @YUKFUNWOW who yo…
  • Not sure I gained much from that being in the U.K. at 3.30am.
  • Black lives matter, fuck Trump and good night.
  • I really just want @AOC to get tagged in right now.
  • Old white men shouting at each other === 2020
  • Trump could say almost anything without any sort of effect. Biden makes one tiny mistake and its a disaster. Weird shit is weird.
  • RT @davidallengreen: Not. A. Single. Conservative. MP. Voted. Against. The. Government's. Deliberate. Breach. Of. The. Rule. Of. Law.
  • Spitting image is back on this weekend. And randomly I have a subscription to the channel it’s airing on, quite possibly the worst streaming service ever created, but happy i have it for this. Absolutely loved the original in the 80s. Hold a chicken in the air etc.
  • Mickey Mouse cup anyway.
  • RT @jonburkeUK: Before the new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: * Hackney had 6th highest air pollution death rate of 418 local authorities. *…
  • 6 inside, not 6 outside. 6 inside, not 6 outside. You do the hokey cokey And you turn around That's what it's all about Woahhhhhhh https://t.co/LVfCf5ITH7
  • Surely the only reason not to include councils in local test and tracing is malice, incompetence or greed (outsourcing) or a bit of all three? Like there can’t be an operational reason for doing so.
  • RT @gabyhinsliff: Neighbour asked why we don’t just decide not to put the clocks back this winter for once,given how miserable everything i…
  • I think what’s so cutting about the Times’ scoops, New York Trump tax and London Parliament bar curfew exception, is not that they are surprising it’s the simplicity of the privilege — tax and restrictions are for us but not them.
  • So if these jobs have to be advertised and overseen, then is this not just a nouveau Baudrillardian ‘own the libs’ distraction technique, and did we all fall for it? Additionally now it’s in the ether will it become true. https://t.co/EMp1j3Mx4I
  • RT @tomcoates: Second follow-up: I agree with everyone who says this is unlikely to make a substantial difference to the vote, but you can…
  • RT @ericwbailey: I don’t know why anyone would think this is the smoking gun. There’s so many shell casings already.
  • Would have loved to have been there when they clicked publish on that NYT article.
  • $750 is £587, just worked out I pay that in taxes pretty much every other week (VAT, Corporation, Directors, National Insurance, Personal) Last time I checked I wasn’t a billionaire president. Doubt it will make a difference, but it’s grotesque. https://t.co/lpjZvUEse3
  • RT @AskNationwide: .@MarkBrendsTweet Hi Mark. We believe in a society built on mutual respect and are committed to representing the diversi…
  • Drilled straight through my living room wall. I am poor at DIY but this is a new achievement.
  • RT @scottjehl: I love the power of this simple CSS addition. Also neat to watch it turn animations on and off in real time when ticking the…
  • Had the NHS COVID app since 8am and so far battery usage is negligible. Good to see.
  • Well I downloaded the NHS COVID app. Seems pretty solid. Simple UI. Not overly complex, easy to set up. The check-in feature seems the only thing that’s outside basic google/Apple Bluetooth tracking. https://t.co/NHd6I9Yxex
  • RT @tomskitomski: I've installed the NHS exposure notification app. Not perfect, but worth using, for everyone's sake.
  • Well I can’t see any recent examples of why this system will not run smoothly. https://t.co/Kf1bNCcfSj
  • First try with the trailer. A little weird, getting used to the width. But a success overall. Dropped a load off somewhere I wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise. https://t.co/1oJDK29oTB
  • The dashing hero swipes aside his great mane of golden hair as he pleads with the horrible villain lawyer to not hurt the defenceless outsourcing companies, for they know no better. https://t.co/jQYTT8U4Zo
  • RT @carryonkeith: Dido Harding tells us that in order to meet Johnson's 'moonshot' target, the public will have to pay for C-19 tests. But…
  • Don’t tease us with your delicious promises Clegg, we know where that got us last time. https://t.co/vXdH4PvcdV
  • Just called up the Economist to sort a credit card change, has to be one of the politest, easiest customer service calls I have ever had to make.
  • Just realised with slight horror I have only been out once after 10pm since mid-March, although don’t really think that boring anxious people in their mid-40s are really the target market here.
  • I don’t really have an issue with private firms delivering services for NHS, there are many successful partnerships with orgs, but I do have an issue with shit orgs delivering shit services, maybe start with ’don’t deliver a shit services’ as a requirement https://t.co/5mqqZbRCa1
  • RT @wintersweet: possibly we should stop saying “the algorithm” and start saying “the way people programmed the app”
  • RT @_jsimonovski: I wonder if Twitter does this to fictional characters too. Lenny…
  • RT @jdevalk: Say to me one more time that AI is "objective".... It obviously isn't. Even if you fix all of the stuff in this thread, the AI…
  • Am now the proud owner of a bike trailer, it will be hitched to quite possibly the prettiest bike i’ve ever owned, but needs must. I can’t carry 20 kgs of stuff for over a mile again. https://t.co/9mJZmzhZcA
  • RT @sustrans: How can E-cargo bikes transform urban logistics? We're holding a free webinar featuring @seesense_cc @ZMOVE2 and @CycleLogis
  • Serco and Deloitte going into a procurement meeting. https://t.co/RGlcMDyyqi
  • Maybe I didn’t notice this on the old iOS. But was the clock app icon always live? I can see the second hand moving now.
  • RT @joshtpm: Facebook is again getting an eminently justified wave of bad publicity today. It deserves every bit. It is the prime incubator…
  • Increasing the upper limit value on my Covid-19 tracker to 20+ per day as my Sparkline maxed out. Lets see how long 25 lasts.
  • Why does it feel like the UK is purposefully working towards a season finale on December 31st.
  • RT @ActionOnHearing: Apple's new #iOS14 update launched yesterday with accessibility improvements. New features include sign language dete…
  • Just seen some opposition to school streets as, ‘just shifting the problem elsewhere’. But not outside schools anymore though. Really demonstrates this is all about convenience and not about actually delivering change to the most vulnerable.
  • In 2016 are we to believe a company had all their records on a single non-backed up (hard copy or cloud based) server. Although they did enable flammable cladding to be installed so I guess competency is not their strong point. But still, fishy. https://t.co/A90ViPP5Hn
  • RT @LambethLivingSt: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. LTNs. It seems like everyone is talking about them. But do they actually *work?* Here's…
  • This is so so horrific. https://t.co/udlmg5epOr cc/ @github @Microsoft you need to drop the contract with ICE and stop helping them do disgusting acts such as this.
  • This looks very nicely done and straightforward, will massively aid development for devs (like me) that don’t want to learn react (also a little bit of can’t). https://t.co/aL1x9yWnan The pro option also takes this up to ACF levels of customisation
  • Why is one of my menu items in Amazon ‘dash buttons’ and why is one of the buttons Laphroaig whisky? Actually scrap that, I think i might know why.
  • Tory MPs would vote for burning their own shoes if there was a quid in it for them, don’t expect any sort of moral stand to be happening later.
  • Built a location based search/filter type thing today amazing what you can do with geolocation, Google APIs and native PHP functions with just a few lines of code in a few minutes, then spend 6 hours trying to get checkbox states working acceptably. Oh web development.
  • Officer, I am simply checking my eyesight on my way to shoot some Grouse.
  • I’ve bought a bicycle trailer, going to need to shift stuff and can’t really carry anything over 20kg’s for more that a few hundred meters. Prior to lockdown I managed to transport my Apple Cinema display (10kg) home on my bike, in a big bag, which was really not a lot of fun
  • Something something couldn’t make it up something https://t.co/y7bp2qXT4C
  • If international law is to be disregarded then surely Scotland can just have a referendum, declare independence if yes and get fast track recognised by the EU, same for NI and Wales. Or does it only work like that if England does it?
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  • RT @hackneygazette: Hackney start-up works with Co-op to create zero-emissions delivery service https://t.co/LsuEijZ2XW
  • This made me suddenly remember that there used to be pubs that only allowed over 25s. I remember at 17 thinking they were for saddos. https://t.co/3yssRgFkXA
  • RT @JonOliverEditor: What’s happening next month and has two thumbs? Yup, my collection of horror stories. (Technically doesn’t have thumbs…
  • First holiday since the global pandemic started and the local military are on manoeuvres including tank and machine gun fire. And I am very glad I knew that was the case before hearing it. Although does have a 2020 vibe to it.
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  • So tired by the brex*t stuff. I know this is being selfish but I am just going to calmly prepare for a January mess and not engage. It’s just too draining and never ending.
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  • RT @susie_dent: Word of the day (again) is 'ipsedixitism': the dogmatic insistence that something is a 'fact' without providing any support…
  • Anyone done a cartoon style ‘number of days since’ the last Tory u-turn yet?
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  • RT @nameshiv: OMG my brother in law, the gift that never stops giving, was tired of being sent to get rice every day so he decided buy in b…
  • RT @jackthurston: Twitter has more than earned its membership fee tonight https://t.co/GcGxBFngdW
  • A. This is awesome B. I had an original and it was awesome C. I am old. https://t.co/XwkZDYPAtS
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  • RT @mhdksafa: If you’re still wearing a mask when you go out, please retweet this tweet. I would just like to see how much common sense is…
  • re: Dettol campaign, as people much younger than myself would say, and for once I feel I can use it correctly and legitimately Cringe. https://t.co/sGex466vXf
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  • Oh wow, the code editor on Wordpress 5.5 is vastly improved.
  • Bootstrap 5, wow, sudden rush of nostalgia. Looks like some solid stuff: https://t.co/6cyYZayr3o
  • Mark Wahlberg in The Happening sequel but instead of trees making wind toxins it’s culture wars, and he has to quote tweet the entire movie.
  • I know some if this is because changes etc, but it’s kind of fascinating, imagine someone just Leeroy Jenkins along the motorway the wrong way or going anti-clockwise around a roundabout because they didn’t like the road layout. Wouldn’t happen (mostly) https://t.co/XQ1gVvjAvu
  • Just got contacted about a 7 year old site, seems it still works, but some bits have started not to, which in of itself is kind of amazing (Wordpress is on auto-update). They seemed surprised that this was surprising. Which I guess is how it should be, but still.
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  • Fantastic article on why returning office workers (particularly to central London) doesn’t benefit people (low paid workers, high rent, long commutes). Also for the concept of Pret ice cream vans which would be a winner for me. https://t.co/6Ti8qhnFBN
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  • Probably because it’s partly true, partly because we haven’t really been told why we should be going back. Also many orgs are choosing not to for economic reasons, remote working works & saves a fortune. So it’s also capitalist, should please Tories no? https://t.co/h6f16fG4DB
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  • “It was largely an operational mistake,” Zuckerberg said …. He didn’t say about the destruction of objective reality and the collapse of reasoned debate
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  • Sad that carnival can’t be on this year, but the carnival spirit lives on, myself and my wife recently helped this wonderful organisation with their website. They continue to work with young people both online and in person (with Covid precautions) https://t.co/VlVr8SNd7i
  • RT @allpartycycling: How to stop your bicycle from being stolen https://t.co/EsXxjwPXvM
  • It ‘should’ be safe to go back to the office because your employer ‘should’ have put in measures. And even though they are not asking to you go back, go back anyway and buy some Pret sandwiches proles! Thanks Grant Shapps!
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  • “We all [in our own ways] belong, or will belong, to a special needs group… And if we lump together all the seemingly little minorities … if we combine these ‘special’ needs, we find that we have designed for the majority after all.” Victor Papanek
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  • RT @cubism2faced: @campbellclaret Top shelf from left to right goes: The Subtle Knife, Fahrenheit 451, Betrayed, The Resistance, The Toll,…
  • Additional point. I saw first hand why so many people that use the ‘emergency vehical access’ argument are bullshitters. Our LTNs have a wide enough gap for emergency vehicles to pass through. However the line of cars jumping through the no entry sign would be a barrier for them
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  • Went to see the local LTN in place in our area. Great to see more space for cyclists and pedestrians. Seems a few teething problems with many vehicles not recognising the no entry signs. But hopefully that will settle down. Thanks @jonburkeUK for moving us to a better borough.
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  • This reads like that kid in the playground that scooches up to you to tell you in hushed tones something their big brother told them. https://t.co/dWIqvUf5G1
  • So if I have this right the deep state is simultaneously responsible for the slow pace of creating a coronavirus treatment and for rushing to create a treatment that will be used to control people? Schrödinger’s conspiracy theory?
  • I think I’ve been using kitchen foil the wrong way round for decades. Dull side up.
  • RT @YokohamaRides: Cyclists Spend 40% More In London's Shops Than Motorists https://t.co/XZq5N2fRzD