I've tweeted 15855 times (excluding replies)

  • RT @rowlsmanthorpe: Incredible story in The Times, which I'm told is definitely true. For most of its existence, the contact tracing app fo…
  • Having to try and not get very frustrated with people that can’t see correlation between cases and deaths being offset by 4-6 weeks. Arguing that deaths are low whilst cases are high is weird and weird.
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  • Robert Peston: ‘Mr President Boris Sir, what’s your perfect Sunday?’
  • If only this massively inevitable thing could have been foreseen.
  • Not even feeling the spooky twitter handle this year. I will however sit down for some novelty snacks and some horror books / films tomorrow.
  • My wardrobe is now 78.1% elastane.
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  • RT @renireni: I've written to both @spectator and @Independent, asking them to correct the false claims about my politics published in both…
  • Councils are likely having to spend money from their own budgets (orignal LTN funding was from central government) to clean and fix these during a pandemic and a rise in child hunger. If you don’t like it use legal & democratic methods. Your inconvenience is not oppression. https://t.co/VUAQ3SUGEN
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  • If Woolworths now do open a store, even though it was a hoax, then was it a hoax?
  • DPD, oh no we missed you. Er no you didn’t I was here. You decided to skip delivery. Just don’t pretend to offer a specific service in the first place, it’s just weird and counter intuitive when you clearly don’t provide that service.
  • So the graffiti style & placement appears quite different in the usage of ‘scum’ & ‘Gary Sambrook eats big dinners’ as such we are still not clear if this is true. Unless he’s arguing that the left accuses people of eating big dinners as a bullying tactic https://t.co/EYkLv2A8jW
  • RT @feedthedrummer: If you are wondering how the free school meals vote is going down in new Tory seats in the “red wall”, this was Darling…
  • RT @adamtranter: Here's the difference, side by side, before and after a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in Hackney, London. Places reclaimed aga…
  • I’ve seen so many emergency vehicles held up by traffic for years and years in London, even sometimes cars and vans that refuse to move to the side. But only now do drivers seem to care because it’s the only sliver of an argument they have left. Do one. Make space.
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  • RT @ActionOnHearing: Fingerspelling is the British Sign Language alphabet. Certain words – usually names of people and places – are spelled…
  • Making a vegan chilli using Moving Mountains mince for the first time (the mince not a vegan chilli - I’ve made plenty). Roughly based on this https://t.co/tJBWgglsNe
  • RT @MarcusRashford: I’m signing off with a feeling a pride tonight. The superstars of this nation lie in local communities. Even after taki…
  • This is why social contracts are important, I believe it’s important that some MPs expenses are covered for doing a very important job. But if you use that privilege to harm others you break the contract and the rest of us rightfully question things. https://t.co/z8LzHfzXiC
  • RT @ManhattansPRJCT: Really excited to launch our cocktails into your postboxes. 6 tasty and large drinks, £36 posted 1st class in the UK.…
  • This was proper batshit, like on a fundamental grammatical basis, let alone the idea this would somehow avoid confusion. Glad it didn’t win. https://t.co/f1CqMkgSiU
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  • RT @GeorgeMonbiot: Here you can see which MPs voted against free school meals, and how much they have each received from the public kitty i…
  • Outclassed by McDonalds. The state of it.
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  • Right I've just donated to @trusselltrust to support their work to #StopUKHunger, as no one should have to go hungry. This Tory government should be doing more, but they don't care. So we have to make up the difference. https://t.co/ZgziouWSxB
  • Let them eat Deloitte internships.
  • This. This is good. https://t.co/CLHXuvWA6c
  • Road tax! Oh actually the road tax hasn’t been a thing since 1937, general taxation actually pays for…. ROAD TAXXXXXXXX. Fin.
  • RT @citycyclists: Car ownership data. Anyone aware of data more recent than the 2011 census data out there?? Also any strong data on giving…
  • I use a security plugin in WordPress that often emails me to tell me that the security plugin is a security risk because the security plugin is out of date. Thanks!
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  • Thinest. Rooms. Ever. https://t.co/s2A4DC2xut
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  • RT @IanDunt: I am baffled by the insistence of quote tweeting. What is the aim they are trying to pursue? Because it seems on the face of i…
  • RT @MarcusRashford: Time we worked together. https://t.co/xFPsgBiPQC
  • RT @NickWhithorn: A lot of these people who voted against feeding hungry English children are probably the same ones who want to cut overse…
  • Right. Given that scum vote against children getting free school meals. What organisations can we donate to that avoid children going hungry. Trussell Trust?
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  • Just had my first. ‘Where’s my mask’....? It’s on my face moments.
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  • Caved and bought a second pair of comfortable trousers. Even with my developer chic, working at home a lot requires a slightly more relaxed ensemble.
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  • I want @AndyBurnhamGM to mention ‘bureaucrats in London’ in a speech. Because central government are acting in reality like the puffed up version they created about the EU.
  • RT @evolvepolitics: The government walked away from talks with Andy Burnham after refusing to stump up an extra £5m to help save ordinary p…
  • RT @anildash: I've been managing the DNS for my sites for... uh, 25 years? I'm sure I'm going to get good at it any day now.
  • Dan Wootton ‘Science has forever used herd immunity in order to deal with coronavirus’. Hey Siri how many people in Europe Died from Flu in 1918/19. 17.4 million Alexa how many of the native population of South America died from diseases during colonisation 55 million (90%)
  • I may not be an expert in eBaying. However if two people message me within 1 hour of posting something with an offer 20 quid over the starting price, i think I might just trust the bidding process.
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  • RT @jensimmons: Make it easier for users to log into the website you are building, securely, by adding support for Face ID or Touch ID. Yes…
  • RT @ninamonday: You know what, person on facebook, I did need to hear this https://t.co/bFfSx2WeS6
  • I love this. ‘the two men had no contact for four years, except for a distinctly cool exchange of letters in 1927 about the logic of “=.”’
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  • I often feel that the Telegraph paywall is a public service. So happy when the “words” start fading away. Like a version of Back to the Future but instead ridiculous hot takes slowly erasing from history.
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  • RT @PhilipGlanville: Billions have flowed from central govt into private companies, bypassing the NHS, Public Health England, local council…
  • Lols, my host told me PHP 7.2 and 7.3 was going to be sunset and the end of the year. Turns out 7.3 not until end 2021. Long story short all my sites are now on version 7.4.
  • The mental olympics in this article to suggest consumers are somehow being duped into thinking a veggie burger/sausage isn’t what they think it is is quite something. ‘cultural hijacking’ Who’s culture? The Hamburglar people? Lego sausage men? https://t.co/F0AFWKwX0G
  • The rush for the film rights must be brutal. https://t.co/ppJ6i0z131
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  • Well Australia is in Eurovision. So you know, there’s something.
  • Oh wow, did not realise when I first saw this feature in @wp_acf how massively powerful this is going to be, InnerBlocks with ACF. Again, wow. The only reason I was able to embrace block based themes is due to the work ACF has done. Epic. https://t.co/o7obuhuAXk
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  • A cracking read about front-end development, lots to take in. But summed up well by the end quote. “The only constant in life is change.” https://t.co/pXHlblhgRS
  • I am in awe at how awful this government is. And we can all see this will end in another u-turn. As Ian Dunt has said, and it sums them up perfectly ‘Brutal but inept’ https://t.co/wrJDEcvLlu
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  • Sack Serco and Deloitte, and just find the right people to do a proper job that aren’t just in it to fluff up their damn bank accounts.
  • What are the Tier 2 and 3 rules on piss-ups in breweries?
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  • I have a (not very large) limit on my Corporate Credit card, so when I make big purchases often it maxes out towards the end of the month. Most of my subscription stuff bounces but they try again later no probs. Adobe however went full Stewie on me. https://t.co/ZdZ6B3iXQR
  • Three words to trike fear into every developer ‘full site editing’.
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  • Can’t deny seeing Malala go a bit Tory didn’t pinch. But freedom to vote, pray, be, believe, think is so important. Otherwise what do we have. Would maybe argue with her about her opinions but never deny her right to choose those choices.
  • Build your site with react and you too can have a spinning wheel loading content in any color for *all* your users.
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  • Two step logins, 1. username >> 2. password whyyyyyyyyyy. My actual process is then. 1. username 2. unlock password manager 3. autofill 4. nothing 5. open password manager 6. copy & paste username 7. click next 8. open password manager 9. copy & paste pwd 10. login
  • Oh joy, the local kids found a place to buy fireworks.
  • I wonder if the most senior reporters in this country just have a shared TweetDeck account that they handed over to Dom, saves time and means you don’t have to do your job! Bonus.
  • Getting a new lock fitted and I think I am at an age where this is really rather exciting.
  • So today I had to buy back a suit (the one I got married in) i had mistakenly donated to a charity shop (two suits, both grey, picked up the wrong one). Fortunately it was still there a few days after. 😬😬😬
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  • I made it as far as ‘The business consultancy, Deloitte, was handed a contract’ https://t.co/NKwBiqWtEe
  • I was like iPhone 12, meh, then they show the pro version, and I really loved the look of the iPhone 4. dammit Apple. If this is a phone means don’t have to protectively encase it then that might do it for me (insane I had to in the first place)
  • RT @MaxJLHardy: There are, no doubt, people in society who think it's an outrage any money is spent on criminal defence. Pandering to them…
  • RT @Hackneycyclist: 16th February 2015: TfL consult on CS1 and ask for opinions on Option A: cycle lanes or Option B: a 100m long bidirecti…
  • RT @VanierDe: Cyclists: Retweet if you got hit by a car. Like if drivers threatened to kill you.
  • Keep the expecting to see someone say oh no Facebook announced that ‘No posts about Holocaust denial’ policy in 2004. The day Facebook was created. Not today years old.
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  • Local facebook group trying to trash Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert’s British road and motorway signage system, not on my fucking watch.
  • To counter the Wetherspoons theory, can you imagine the arguments staff are going to have trying to get the usual clientele to order food alongside their 2 quid pint.
  • RT @johnharris1969: From the government that didn't know what Dover was and thinks there's somewhere called "Northern Britain", this... htt…
  • I’ve got Jetpack on a bunch of sites (comes with the hosting package) and appears it supplies a bunch of custom Gutenberg blocks, one of which is markdown and feeling of cognitive dissonance is currently high. Cool though.
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  • That cyber #fatima ad might be from last year, but hey, this government lies all the time and maybe we should go high when they go low. But once in a while something so perfect encapsulates their attitude to events & peoples lives that the myth is more powerful than the reality
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  • In today’s episode of “ what keyword did I pick for ‘npm run ***’ ” …
  • Why is this so difficult. Freedom of Speech is a thing and it’s important, but if you use that freedom to commit illegal acts then it is also right you will be investigated and potentially charged by the police. These two things are true and co-exist.
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  • RT @jonburkeUK: 4/ ...but that doesn't make the process 'unfair'. Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are a long-overdue response to the doubling of…
  • RT @redhistorian: It's intriguing how often the case for Johnson is made by analogy: the idea that he might turn out to be like someone ent…
  • Finding it utterly bizarre that hospitals in the north might run out of ICU beds in a week and national newspapers are demanding football stadiums re-open. What a perverse hill to die on.
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  • RT @CaraLisette: Should we not try clapping first?
  • This is going to end well. https://t.co/JccQBMCnrk
  • Remember when everyone was like ‘what if people use deep fakes to make world leaders make outrageous and unsettling claims’?
  • Percy pigs are difficult to eat at the best of times, surely bitting into this is just going to make the ‘pie’ cave in and smush everywhere. Wheres the user testing on this. https://t.co/9yEswkr2V5
  • This is great, obvs been some missteps, but focusing on user needs for digital services helps deliver better products that are actually needed and outcomes that serve the user more closely. https://t.co/pJBKXCgziW
  • This reaction is 💯 https://t.co/tvKL1FksPL
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  • RT @VoLinxx: If you're still social distancing, washing your hands, limiting contact with people, and wearing a mask, please retweet this t…
  • RT @MTBracken: It is vital that articles like this are widely read. Opinions abound, mine included, about the 'machinery of Government' and…
  • I’m not taking part in a virtual debate says man that spends 90% of his time screaming on Twitter.
  • Due to a n00b Javascript error my covid tracker Sparkline wasn’t quite firing, fixed it. Fuck. https://t.co/0KhWpGEvqe
  • RT @DJ_Link: Ever tried compiling some of the code in Silicon Valley? there's a lot of Easter eggs. https://t.co/UsCfDkHCuh https://t.co/90…
  • Özil and Gunnersaurus are now symbiotic entities. Gunnersaurus is now the 3rd simulcrum of Özil. Özil is Gunnersaurus, Gunnersaurus is Özil. https://t.co/DANz3mxvAF
  • Photoshop doesn’t recognise webp. Cool cool.
  • For Prime Minister’s Qs I want to see Starmer bellow ‘Why was the data not in a well structured JSON!’, or even roar ‘CSV would have been okay! But Excel! EXCEL!!’
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  • Managed in……Excel…….. 😐 https://t.co/nIm9YOn5rA
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  • Don’t really get the anger against Black History Month (apart from the obvious reasons of racism and ignorance) why not use it as a wonderful opportunity to learn more. I’ve just bought this and looking forward to reading it this month. https://t.co/e1XHqXjzsH
  • RT @FrancescoCiull4: Rate my new senior dev setup https://t.co/UBaWxGERHu