I've tweeted 15855 times (excluding replies)

  • All football games to now be 1-1 forever. It is the way.
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  • Really enjoying the Economist Christmas Special. Every article from the history of the round robin Xmas letter, apricot farmers in rural France and how malaria has shaped human history just so well written and fascinating. Still only a third of the way through.
  • RT @tomaashby: One consolation of lockdown in Florence is experiencing the reopening of historic wine holes, originally created centuries a…
  • RT @WikiTribune: Wherever you are in the world, however you're spending this very strange Christmas, Santa Jimmy (yes that's actually @jimm
  • Siri just decided to start playing Metallica, obvs tired of our Christmas vibe and fancied some metal.
  • ‘The Go! Team’ just came onto the speaker thing and am very much in agreement with that choice.
  • Seriously tempted to refer to myself as an expert super junior developer with 20+ years experience. https://t.co/1Vf5DekRpv
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  • Glad a deal has happened, no deal would have been a disaster & negatively affected the poorest and most in need (medicines etc) but a sad day to be moving away from our neighbours. I guess it’s time for the U.K. & it’s component parts to go on a vision quest & see what happens
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  • I end the year having added the NewStatesman and the FT (never pegged myself as a FT person, but kept hitting the free limit) to my growing portfolio of news subscriptions. The others being, The Grauniad, The Atlantic, The Athletic and https://t.co/reuAjdSnAl.
  • <FONT FACE=“VERDANA”> https://t.co/ZFbFEs7iLK
  • Just about to pay my corporation tax, or if anyone has the contact details of Matt Hancocks old rugby captain I could just wire it to him instead, cut out the middle man?
  • RT @bengoldacre: We've built a huge, open source, highly secure analytics platform for NHS data. Read our manual: https://t.co/OTi4ba9Ou…
  • It’s clear that the government has planned for huge queues of lorries, how to park lorries, how to divert lorries away from ports. However they seemed to not have considered that there are people inside each of those lorries or their needs. A Tory allegory if you will.
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  • Er, pretty sure Twitter might have a say in this. https://t.co/boDWisov2h
  • RT @Khalsa_Aid: 800 Hot meals ready for the truckers stranded in #Kent due to #OperationStack ! Our thx to the #Kent Sikh community espe…
  • If only there was an event that is due to take place in 10 days that’s been coming for 4 years could have allowed us to be ready for something an export embargo.
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  • What’s he doing. It’s not brushing his hair is it?
  • I wonder where Dom Cummings is currently hurtling towards? Maybe Isle of White?
  • Switched to safari this week after that viral Chrome thing, that may or may not have been wholly true. But wow, have to admit Safari has improved loads, not much difference from a development perspective and it appears faster, but then installed some content blocking thing & 💨
  • Liz Truss getting me pondering Foucault’s poststructuralist interpretation of objective truth is not something I thought it would be doing today. But here we are, 2020 is the batshit that just keeps on coming.
  • Happy Dolph Lundgren. Day. https://t.co/ZorWa5a5xw
  • Just reminded myself why I don’t set out of office notices, I was once the support email address on a website where every order used to get an out of office reply from me along with the order confirmation.
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  • Maybe if they spent less time wrongly interpreting 70s french postmodernism and more time understanding intersectionality and how their own government can be at once racist, prejudiced and awful for poorer parts of society they might actually get somewhere. https://t.co/lNryU6y4x9
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  • Local Anti-LTN protestors seem to be taking on the ‘clean air’ angle, which is a hot take so hard some of them must have got whiplash. Oh and the solution, no restrictions….at…..all…. Right.
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  • Seeing small business owners being like lol wot Facebook, how about not burying posts so that only 5% of our follows see them, rather than attacking Apple for ruining revenue because of showing users the terrifying extent of your tracking.
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  • Do not do, don’t but do, do don’t do. Does ex dontdous. Boris Johnson
  • RT @GoodLawProject: While friends of the Government spend this Christmas toasting with our money, enriched by lucrative PPE deals, UNICEF s…
  • RT @aardrian: That whole 7 +/- 2 argument for navigation, items in a list, menus, etc., is bunk. Original research paper: https://t.co/SJA…
  • If your local authority wanted to shut all the schools for health reasons, but Gavin Williamson did not, I am pretty sure I know who I would side with (and it’s not the guy that thought owning a Tarantula made him look hard) https://t.co/xS4jZB9Fs8
  • RT @Jermolene: These images are terrific. I loved this 30-micrometre long 3D-printed boat. It is coated with metal and floats on a hydrogen…
  • So, my little Covid Tracker ran out of space…again. Time to update the scale. https://t.co/BCQnET9R65
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  • Roads, where we're going we don't need roads Good read on websites without a screen and designing for invisibility. https://t.co/8Ple8XbTXa
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  • And I just uninstalled Chrome…..hope I don’t get a bug report sent to me. https://t.co/bGDi8pLX2N
  • RT @crisortunity: “Black cab drivers are disproportionately represented [in the LTN debates],” says Tidey. Cabbies tend not to interact wit…
  • Do mess with Texas.
  • Just got an advert for Jira whilst playing a stupid golf game app. Not now Jira, this is me time.
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  • RT @Nick_Pettigrew: Just to put things into context, the cost of the UK's failed Test & Trace project (£22bn) could pay for the entire fish…
  • RT @metpoliceuk: #APPEAL | Further appeal for witnesses and drivers with dashcam footage to contact police following a collision this morni…
  • RT @JolyonMaugham: So back in the very early days of the pandemic - February or March - a company (X) was given a very large PPE contract.…
  • RT @cookiecrook: WebKit’s presentational list heuristics for accessibility have come up as a topic recently. Starting a thread with some of…
  • Looking forward to toast and chips for dinner.
  • RT @betterstreetskc: One week after @RBKC waste £350k of our/your money ripping out the only protected cycle lane in the entire borough - w…
  • 1 year ago today I was out canvassing for Labour against the Tories. That worked out well.
  • I believe the government just thinks, no-deal Brexit will probably be a few months of hurt then things will level out. Maybe so, but it’s the privilege that grates, it will be the hurt felt by millions and it will continue for some for much much longer. Always be Torying.
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  • Really good article on CSS and some of it’s challenges and many strengths (sometimes the same thing), and why it’s both easy and hard. https://t.co/Nl0Fz48kr5
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  • well if Dominic Raab says there won’t be food shortages, but, checks notes, Tesco’s CEO says there will be, who to believe?!
  • Talks continue blah blah. I gave up ages ago. Bulk bought supplies. Fuck these games. This is not how to treat people.
  • I mean 550 is a crazy amount for headphones but this is Apple the central London newsagent / train station WH Smith’s of pricing markup.
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  • Building in the admin to export into a theme. Massive mental shift after building sites in a text editor for years first, but it’s the direction of travel. I’ve been doing similar over recent months, pending more time in the admin developing interfaces. https://t.co/cSC1Z2NNdw
  • You just know there is someone out there pinning a picture of William Shakespeare to a pinboard, cracking knuckles about to embark on some epic free association between the Bard and Vaccinations. ‘OphELIA UsEs thIs fLOwEr tO tAkEs A jAb At thE KIng’ https://t.co/moDnlY1RUr
  • Football fans, no actually booing taking the knee is about ethics in games journalism.
  • Tory MP and Millwall/football fans in being racist. True to form sadly. https://t.co/4fL09vTPyC
  • RT @SpcialNdsJungle: Funding gap of £643m puts SEND teaching at risk. Almost 90% of English councils overspent on their SEND budgets last y…
  • Currently making an epic chilli. Includes star anise, coffee, whisky (laphroaig), chocolate, chipotle and adobo chillis, about 20 other ingredients and beyond meat mince. Going to leave it bubbling away for a couple of hours Based roughly on this recipe https://t.co/Q1ITHQD4dC
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  • Maybe everything is just broken, but the term ‘do-gooder’ is not a bad thing. This is up there with the antifa label. Fighting Nazis and doing good are good things. Fascism and doing bad things are bad. Is that so difficult? https://t.co/TLnMcBYTpQ
  • Totally agree, but worth nothing that each of those banners is often driven by a separate department. Compliance = cookie, Marketing = Live chat. Unless the whole org is brought along for the UX train ride, often we end up with a poor experience. https://t.co/oHbzc6Piax
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  • It appears you need a PHD in Google UI layout design before you can successfully navigate a Google Analytics / Console / Tag manager admin screen.
  • RT @VoleOSpeed: I was at the successful @StopKillingCycl and @ExtinctionR action to stop contractors removing the Kensington High Street cy…
  • Hmmmm, HSBC Business still trying to do the Covid-19 ‘we are experiencing a high load, and queries might take longer’ line with banking enquires. I accepted this in March - July, not so much in December.
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  • TIL that scrum (project framework) comes from the rugby term. Only been doing it for 11 years.
  • And I would like to sell my Mars settlement and Hyperdrive spaceship to Google. https://t.co/hLtI48GBQa
  • With 11ty for static sites and a rapidly improving Wordpress (Blocks, ACF + Innerblocks, Block patterns) really feels like I have most of my tooling sorted (+ long tail of npm). Obvs more app like websites are out of the question but for 99% of my use cases these are perfect.
  • Coincidence. I don’t think so. https://t.co/SvKjG4Ho9D https://t.co/70ToaYfupA
  • 2025, all apps are just stories, nothing else. Photoshop ~ stories Office 365 ~ stories Microsoft Paint ~ stories Vim ~ stories
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  • First dev issue with the new macOS (Bug Sur). npm install fell over. Seems to be a perms issue https://t.co/GHloFuMB3B
  • RT @AndyBrown1_: Wind and solar capacity will double over the next five years globally and exceed that of both gas and coal, according to a…
  • Will make sure to avoid doing any business or shopping in Kensington in the future. It’s clear they only want to make it more difficult for people that don’t own a car to use their borough, so I don’t see why I should go there. I doubt they would care but hey.
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  • Days like this I feel so sorry for people in boroughs that don’t have progressive councillors like @jonburkeUK https://t.co/JB3yTRFp6p
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  • Just purchased a Kayak, FU 2020, you’re not the boss of me.
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  • RT @LiorSteinberg: IKEA Germany rents out e-cargo bikes to customers, making it easier to brings things home. IKEA in the Netherlands has b…
  • Every so often I see a stray Ofo bike jangling along like a broken washing machine and I feel like saluting it.
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  • RT @CurriculumBlack: The Black Curriculum's 2021 Report is now live! Special thanks to Jason Arday for authoring the report alongside our…
  • Pray for my inbox. #blackfriday
  • It’s a proper pea-souper out there tonight.
  • I achieved a thing. 2 days of training and had to do a test and everything, was genuinely nerve-wracking, I’ve done like 2 tests in the last 20 years. https://t.co/SoM9pdpEDs
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  • Kent doesn’t have Boroughs, they have Councils. Also at least 3 of them have some of the highest numbers in the country. No idea why I am correcting a known liar, but here we are. https://t.co/Stj1Ww6YLs
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  • I get it was necessary to break a lot of rules to get stuff procured quickly, in a pandemic, when everything was moving fast. I also get that it’s fine to move fast and retroactively jail people that broke laws. https://t.co/LOdfY2QDsi
  • RT @dashfiets: I feel like there's an obvious solution here. https://t.co/o7o78DHjNL
  • Until I watched the Maradona documentary I didn’t quite understand his brilliance. To win the Scudetto for the first time in Napoli’s history (then once again + UEFA cup) was stunning. He lifted an entire city.
  • Having worked with an organisation for many years trying to display why the foreign aid budget is so important, I feel a failure of many of our leaders was to do the same. Just saying 0.7% is important is not enough, they must explain why it’s important.
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  • Guardian homepage, US news waaaay down the page, seems like there wasn’t an hour gone by where Trump wouldn’t regularly appear above the fold.
  • Absolutely bonkers that Wordpress is now 39% of *all* websites. https://t.co/pvnG9XC3Yr
  • woh. My vote is for the new mega publisher to be called: Simon Schuster, Random Penguin https://t.co/yBolKBROPH
  • My inbox. 10 PRINT `BLACK FRIDAY OFFERS £££!` 20 GOTO 10
  • Reading the Grand Unification of Web Technologies, and look it’s a viewpont but wow WHAT a view point. ‘Let's imagine for a second that we are limited to only two position modes: absolute and fixed.’ Lets…… https://t.co/X2jYfKZU05
  • RT @ProperlyZuri: What is Joe Biden’s plan to stop recipe bloggers from telling a long, unskippable, mostly unrelated childhood memory befo…
  • @StokeyBookshop hey, not sure if you’ve seen but incoming posts to the Stokey Folks neighbourhood Facebook group will be paused for the day (today), to give local shops and businesses a bit of space to promote themselves. https://t.co/ASkDq5c2v8
  • Just me or is this dark AF? https://t.co/paQsdrPZGT
  • Grumpy tweet, but can we stop saying break the internet. Especially in a year where most of the world has shifted to remote/virtual learning, working & partying without even the network flinching. The idea that GQ might cause even a flicker, no. https://t.co/DvLnSWbiHx
  • RT @stugoo: I wanted to visualise the browser window sizes in relation to each other. I manually exported out GA data from a cross section…
  • After two weeks basic arithmetic finally wins.
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  • Conceding not conceding.
  • RT @UFWupdates: Tell us your favorite Thanksgiving dish, and we’ll share some of what we know about the work behind the ingredients. #WeFe…
  • Oh. He’s one of those. In workshops these sort of people were a nightmare. No collaboration, would try and speak to you one on one about the ‘solution’. Always answering emails during sessions. When they did engage so much happened, even they were shocked. https://t.co/TgNBrUCAck
  • Not sure any of us expected allowing up to 4 thousand people to attend a football match was on the bingo card for how to reduce Covid cases.
  • RT @crisortunity: @jonburkeUK Given that the government’s *current* net zero targets imply that overall traffic levels need to be *cut in h…
  • Going to the dentist, on a Sunday, when it’s already dark is a weird experience.
  • The Guardian doesn’t currently have a US live blog and I genuinely can’t remember the last time there wasn’t one running.
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  • Got to say it, the leading on Big Sur is rather nice.